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Sorting pramana rwxr-xr-x 0 8:34 pm

Filename Sorting
Permission rw-r--r--
Author pramana
Date and Time 8:34 pm

Hi guys, this time I will share about Sorting ...Sorting is a process of arranging objects in a specific sequence and / or in different sets, and therefore he  has two different common meanings:

     1. ordering      : arranging similar objects, class, etc., in regular order.
     2. categorizing : grouping and labeling the objects with similar properties.

Sorting algorithm consists of several algorithms such as Bubble sort, Quick sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, and Merge Sort are which each has a different type of sorting to each other.

On this occasion I will only discuss about the selection sort ..
Selection sort
algorithm can be summarized as follows :

1. Find the minimum value (or sesuaikeinginan) in the data structure. If ascending, then that should be found is the minimum value. If descending, then find the maximum possible value.
2. Swap value is the value at posisipertama in the data structure that has not been sorted

3. Repeat the above steps for the remaining part of the data structure.




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