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Searching pramana rwxr-xr-x 0 1:55 am

Filename Searching
Permission rw-r--r--
Author pramana
Date and Time 1:55 am
                Searching is a process (operation) to find the location of the data given in a sequence of data.
Search data is often also called look-up table or information storage and retrieval, is a process to gather some information on the computer and then search for the reminder re the necessary information.

Any one method in searching
*sequential Searching

The simplest method of a number of search methods is the sequential search method (sequential searching). This method can be briefly described as follows:
Of the known elements, the data source than the one by one until the data is found or not found.

Sequential Algorithm Searching:
1. Read the set of known data, such as a set A with N elements.
2. Read data is searched, eg, Data
3. There = False
4. For I = 1 to N 5 step process

5. If Data = A [I] then
    There = True; Position = I; I = N
6. If There = False Then
     N = N +1; A [i] = data
7. completed


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